Source code for spoonbill.writers.xlsx

import collections
import logging

import xlsxwriter
from xlsxwriter.exceptions import XlsxWriterException

from spoonbill.i18n import _
from spoonbill.writers.base_writer import BaseWriter

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("spoonbill")

[docs] class XlsxWriter(BaseWriter): """ Writer class with output to XLSX files. For each table, a corresponding sheet in an Excel workbook will be created. """ name = "xlsx" def __init__(self, workdir, tables, options, schema, filename="result.xlsx"): """ :param workdir: Working directory :param tables: The table objects :param options: Flattening options """ super().__init__(workdir, tables, options, schema=schema) self.col_index = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.path = workdir / filename self.workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(self.path, {"constant_memory": True}) self.row_counters = {} def __enter__(self): """ Write the headers to the output file. """ for name, table in self.tables.items(): table_name, headers = self.init_sheet(name, table) sheet = self.workbook.add_worksheet(table_name) for col_index, col_name in enumerate(headers): self.col_index[name][col_name] = col_index try: sheet.write(0, col_index, headers[col_name]) except XlsxWriterException as err: LOGGER.error( _("Failed to write header {} to xlsx sheet {} with error {}").format(col_name, name, err) ) self.row_counters[name] = 1 return self def __exit__(self, *args): """ Close the workbook. """"Dumped all sheets to file to file '{}'").format(self.path)) self.workbook.close()
[docs] def writerow(self, table, row): """ Write a row to the output file. """ table_name = self.names.get(table, table) sheet = self.workbook.get_worksheet_by_name(table_name) columns = self.col_index[table] if not columns: LOGGER.error(_("Invalid table {}").format(table)) return for column, value in row.items(): if isinstance(value, bool): value = str(value) try: col_index = columns[column] except KeyError: LOGGER.error( _("Operation produced invalid path. This a software bug, please send issue to developers") ) LOGGER.error(_("Failed to write column {} to xlsx sheet {}").format(column, table)) return try: sheet.write(self.row_counters[table], col_index, value) except XlsxWriterException as err: LOGGER.error(_("Failed to write column {} to xlsx sheet {} with error {}").format(column, table, err)) self.row_counters[table] += 1