Source code for spoonbill.stats

import logging
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Mapping

import jsonref
from flatten_dict import flatten

from spoonbill.i18n import LOCALE, _
from spoonbill.rowdata import Rows
from spoonbill.spec import Table, add_child_table
from spoonbill.utils import (

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("spoonbill")

[docs] class DataPreprocessor: """ Data analyzer Processes the given schema and, based on this, extracts information from the iterable dataset. :param schema: The dataset's schema :param root_tables: The paths which should become root tables :param combined_tables: The paths which should become tables that combine data from different locations :param tables: Use these tables objects instead of parsing the schema :param table_threshold: The maximum array length, before it is recommended to split out a child table :param total_items: The total objects processed :param language: Language to use for the human-readable headings """ def __init__( self, schema: Mapping, root_tables: Mapping[str, List], combined_tables: Mapping[str, List] = None, tables: Mapping[str, Table] = None, table_threshold=TABLE_THRESHOLD, total_items=0, language=LOCALE, multiple_values=False, pkg_type=None, with_preview=True, ): self.schema = schema self.root_tables = root_tables self.combined_tables = combined_tables or {} self.tables = tables or {} self.table_threshold = table_threshold self.multiple_values = multiple_values self.total_items = total_items self.current_table = None self.language = language self.names_counter = defaultdict(int) self.with_preview = with_preview if not self.tables: self.parse_schema() self.pkg_type = pkg_type def __getitem__(self, table): return self.tables[table]
[docs] def name_check(self, parent_key, key): table_name = generate_table_name(, parent_key, key) self.names_counter[table_name] += 1 if self.names_counter[table_name] > 1: key = key[:4] + str(self.names_counter[table_name] - 1) return key
[docs] def guess_type(self, item): if isinstance(item, list) and item and not isinstance(item[0], (dict, list)): return JOINABLE return [PYTHON_TO_JSON_TYPE.get(type(item).__name__)]
[docs] def init_tables(self, tables, is_combined=False): """ Initialize the root tables with default fields. """ for name, path in tables.items(): table = Table(name, path, is_root=True, is_combined=is_combined, parent="") self.tables[name] = table
[docs] def is_base_table(self): return self.current_table.is_root or self.current_table.is_combined
[docs] def load_schema( self, ): """""" # if isinstance(self.schema, (str, Path)): # self.schema = resolve_file_uri(self.schema) # if not isinstance(self.schema, jsonref.JsonRef): # self.schema = jsonref.JsonRef.replace_refs(self.schema) if isinstance(self.schema, (str, Path)): self.schema = resolve_file_uri(self.schema) self.init_tables(self.root_tables) if not isinstance(self.schema, jsonref.JsonRef): self.schema = jsonref.JsonRef.replace_refs(self.schema) if self.combined_tables: self.init_tables(self.combined_tables, is_combined=True)
[docs] def prepare_tables(self): self.init_tables(self.root_tables) if self.combined_tables: self.init_tables(self.combined_tables, is_combined=True)
[docs] def parse_schema(self): """ Extract information from the schema. """ self.load_schema() # self.prepare_tables() proxy = add_paths_to_schema(self.schema) to_analyze = deque([("", "", {}, proxy)]) # TODO: check if recursion is better for field ordering while to_analyze: path, parent_key, parent, prop = to_analyze.pop() if prop.get("deprecated"): continue # TODO: handle oneOf anyOf allOf properties = prop.get("properties", {}) if properties: for key, item in properties.items(): if key in ("$title", "$path"): continue if item.get("deprecated"): continue if hasattr(item, "__reference__") and item.__reference__.get("deprecated"): continue typeset = extract_type(item) pointer = self.join_path(path, key) self.current_table = self.get_table(pointer) if not self.current_table: continue self.current_table.types[pointer] = typeset if "object" in typeset: to_analyze.append((pointer, key, properties, item)) elif "array" in typeset: items = item["items"] items_type = extract_type(items) if set(items_type) & {"array", "object"}: if pointer not in self.current_table.path: # found child array, need to create child table key = self.name_check(parent_key, key) self._add_table(add_child_table(self.current_table, pointer, parent_key, key), pointer) to_analyze.append((pointer, key, properties, items)) else: # This means we in array of strings, so this becomes a single joinable column typeset = ARRAY.format(items_type) self.current_table.types[pointer] = JOINABLE self.current_table.add_column(pointer, typeset, pointer, header=item["$title"]) else: if self.current_table.is_combined: pointer = SEPARATOR + self.join_path(parent_key, key) self.current_table.add_column(pointer, typeset, pointer, header=item["$title"]) else: # TODO: not sure what to do here continue
[docs] def add_column(self, pointer, typeset): self.current_table.add_column(pointer, typeset, pointer)
def _add_table(self, table, pointer): self.tables[] = table self.current_table = table self.get_table.cache_clear()
[docs] def add_additional_table(self, pointer, abs_pointer, parent_key, key, item): LOGGER.debug(_("Detected additional table: %s") % pointer) self.current_table.types[pointer] = ["array"] self._add_table(add_child_table(self.current_table, pointer, parent_key, key), pointer) # add columns beforehand because it might be required # to recalculate and reorder headers when enlarging array # there must be a better way but it should work for now for extended_item in item: for path_, it in flatten(extended_item, reducer="path").items(): ppointer = self.join_path(pointer, path_) if ppointer not in self.current_table: self.current_table.add_column( ppointer, self.guess_type(it), ppointer, abs_path=self.join_path(abs_pointer, path_), header=ppointer, )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_table(self, path): """ Get the table that best matches the given path. :param path: A path :return: A table """ candidates = get_matching_tables(self.tables, path) if not candidates: return return candidates[0]
[docs] def add_preview_row(self, rows, item_id, parent_key): """ Append a mostly-empty row to the previews. This is important to do, because other code uses an index of -1 to access and update the current row. :param rows: The Rows object :param item_id: Object id """ table = self.current_table if self.with_preview and table.total_rows < PREVIEW_ROWS: for p_rows in table.preview_rows, table.preview_rows_combined: row = rows.new_row(table, item_id).as_dict() p_rows.append(row)
[docs] def inc_table_rows(self, item, rows, parent_key, record): c = item if isinstance(item, list) else [item] for _nop in c: self.add_preview_row(rows, record.get("id", ""), parent_key)
[docs] def is_new_row(self, pointer): # strict match like /parties, /tender return pointer in self.current_table.path and pointer != "/buyer"
[docs] def join_path(self, *args): return SEPARATOR.join(args)
[docs] def get_paths_for_combined_table(self, parent_key, key): pointer = SEPARATOR + self.join_path(parent_key, key) return (pointer, pointer)
[docs] def is_type_matched(self, pointer, item, item_type): # TODO: this validation should probably be smarter with arrays if item_type and item_type != JOINABLE and not validate_type(item_type, item): LOGGER.error("Mismatched type on %s expected %s", pointer, item_type) return False return True
[docs] def add_joinable_column(self, abs_pointer, pointer): LOGGER.debug(_("Detected additional column: %s in %s table") % (abs_pointer, self.current_table.types[pointer] = JOINABLE self.current_table.add_column( pointer, JOINABLE, pointer, additional=True, abs_path=abs_pointer, header=pointer )
[docs] def handle_array_expanded(self, pointer, item, abs_path, key): splitted = len(item) >= self.table_threshold if splitted: self.current_table.split(pointer)
[docs] def is_array_col(self, abs_path): chunks = abs_path.split(SEPARATOR) path = self.join_path(*[p for p in chunks if not p.isdigit()]) return path in self.current_table
[docs] def clean_up_missing_arrays(self): def drop(col): is_array = table.is_array( return is_array and col.hits == 0 for table in self.tables.values(): table.filter_columns(drop)
[docs] def process_items(self, releases, with_preview=True): """ Analyze releases. Iterates over every release to calculate metrics and optionally generates previews for combined and split versions of each table. :param releases: The releases to analyze :param with_preview: Whether to generate previews for each table """ count = 0 for count, release in enumerate(releases): to_analyze = deque([("", "", "", {}, release)]) rows = Rows(ocid=release["ocid"], buyer=release.get("buyer", {}), data=defaultdict(list)) while to_analyze: abs_path, path, parent_key, parent, record = to_analyze.popleft() if hasattr(record, "items"): for key, item in record.items(): pointer = self.join_path(path, key) self.current_table = self.get_table(pointer) if not self.current_table: continue if self.is_new_row(pointer): self.inc_table_rows(item, rows, parent_key, record) self.extend_table_types(pointer, item) item_type = self.current_table.types.get(pointer) if not self.is_type_matched(pointer, item, item_type): continue if isinstance(item, dict): to_analyze.append( ( self.join_path(abs_path, key), pointer, key, record, item, ) ) elif item and isinstance(item, list): abs_pointer = self.join_path(abs_path, key) if not isinstance(item[0], dict) and not item_type: item_type = JOINABLE self.add_joinable_column(abs_pointer, pointer) if item_type == JOINABLE: if pointer not in self.current_table: self.add_joinable_column(abs_pointer, pointer) self.current_table.inc_column(abs_pointer, pointer) if self.with_preview and count < PREVIEW_ROWS: value = JOINABLE_SEPARATOR.join([str(i) for i in item]) self.current_table.set_preview_path( abs_pointer, pointer, value, self.table_threshold ) elif self.is_base_table(): for value in item: to_analyze.append( ( abs_pointer, pointer, key, record, value, ) ) else: parent_table = self.current_table.parent if pointer not in parent_table.arrays: LOGGER.debug(_("Detected additional table: %s") % pointer) self.current_table.types[pointer] = ["array"] parent_table = self.current_table self.add_additional_table(pointer, abs_pointer, parent_key, key, item) self.add_preview_row(rows, record.get("id", ""), parent_key) if parent_table.set_array(pointer, item): self.handle_array_expanded(pointer, item, abs_path, key) for i, value in enumerate(item): if isinstance(value, dict): abs_pointer = self.join_path(abs_path, key, str(i)) to_analyze.append( ( abs_pointer, pointer, parent_key, record, value, ) ) else: abs_pointer = self.join_path(abs_path, key) if self.current_table.is_combined: pointer, abs_pointer = self.get_paths_for_combined_table(parent_key, key) col = self.current_table.columns.get(pointer) if col: if abs_pointer not in self.current_table: parent = self.current_table.parent parent.add_array_column(col, pointer, abs_pointer, max=self.table_threshold) else: self.current_table.add_column( pointer, self.guess_type(item), pointer, additional=True, abs_path=abs_pointer, ) self.current_table.inc_column(abs_pointer, pointer) if item and self.with_preview and count < PREVIEW_ROWS: if not pointer.startswith("/buyer"): self.current_table.set_preview_path( abs_pointer, pointer, item, self.table_threshold ) yield count self.clean_up_missing_arrays() self.total_items = count
[docs] def dump(self, path): """ Dump the data processor's state to a file. :param path: Full path to file """ try: with open(path, "wb") as fd: pickle.dump(self, fd) except (OSError, IOError) as e: LOGGER.error(_("Failed to dump DataPreprocessor to file. Error: {}").format(e))
[docs] @classmethod def restore(_cls, path): """ Restore a data preprocessor's state from a file. :param path: Full path to file """ try: with open(path, "rb") as fd: return pickle.load(fd) except (TypeError, pickle.UnpicklingError): LOGGER.error(_("Invalid pickle file. Can't restore."))
[docs] def extend_table_types(self, pointer, item): """ Check if path belong to table and expand its types :param pointer: Path to an item :param item: Item being analyzed """ table = self.current_table if pointer not in table.types and pointer not in table.path: if any((common_prefix(pointer, path) for path in table.path)): self.current_table.types[pointer] = self.guess_type(item)